Terms & Conditions
Please note:
It is your responsibility to keep up to date with our terms and conditions.
By commissioning Web Centre Plus Ltd to provide you with website services, including, but not limited to, web design, development, web hosting, domain registrations and search engine marketing, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions set out below and accept these terms as binding, if you have any questions please contact us. In order to provide an efficient and reliable service, it is important for us to responsibly state the acceptable uses of our services. The information relates to Web Centre Plus Ltd servers run by Web Centre Plus Ltd.
For resellers, these ‘acceptable uses’ are also extended to your customers.
Please note: All invoices are due within 7 days of completion of work.

The first and most important thing to note is that:
BY LOGGING INTO YOUR ACCOUNT IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT YOU HAVE READ AND AGREE TO OUR TERMS OF SERVICE, WE CANNOT ACCEPT ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY LOSS OF BUSINESS WHICH MAY OCCUR FROM SERVICES BEING CANCELLED AS A RESULT OF INFRINGEMENT OF THESE TERMS. Web Centre Plus Ltd provides web hosting to numerous clients, which means that we have a responsibility to protect each client and to provide the best services available. The following guidelines were established to ensure these crucial obligations are met.
These Policies, Guidelines, and Disclaimer are intended for all domains residing on Web Centre Plus Ltd servers including regular hosting clients, resellers, and their clients.
Reselling Our Services
We ask that all clients reselling our hosting services in any way, including those providing non-virtual hosting services, implement these same Policies, Guidelines and Disclaimers into their own websites to ensure that the same are understood and met by their clients. Resellers and their clients are bound by these same Policies, Guidelines and Disclaimers.
By reselling and purchasing Web Centre Plus Ltd’s services, you hereby agree that Web Centre Plus Ltd shall not be held liable for any promises or failure of same that Reseller’s extend to their clients, including but not limited to, the quality of service, financial obligations, financial losses or any other claim NOT provided to Reseller in writing by Web Centre Plus Ltd.
It is the legal duty and obligation of the Reseller to provide these policies and guidelines to its client(s).
Data stored on our servers is not guaranteed to be backed up.

Backup Of Data
It is recommended that you keep an independent backup of all data stored in your space. VERY IMPORTANT – BACK UP YOUR DATAFILES No website exceeding a total of 10Gigabyte (10,000megabyte) of webspace will be backed up unless an additional payment is agreed.
You may not run server processes (e.g. talkers/IRC bots) from your space.
Sorry, No Chatrooms, they bog down the servers.
To protect your privacy, we never distribute your name or e-mail address to any third parties.
By logging into your account, or uploading files to it, you are indicating your acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Abuse of the legal rights of others:
Examples of unacceptable activities in this regard include posting private information about a person without their consent, infringing intellectual property rights, defaming a person or business, and then knowingly making available code which will have a deleterious effect on third party computers. Web Centre Plus Ltd supports free speech on the Internet, and will not suspend or cancel a customer’s account simply because it disagrees with the views expressed by the customer. Where there are allegations that a customer’s online activity has violated the legal rights of a third party, Web Centre Plus Ltd will not substitute itself for a court of law in deciding tort claims raised by the third party.

Hacking / Cracking
Web Centre Plus Ltd reserves the right to report illegal activities to any and all regulatory, administrative, and/or governmental authorities for prosecution.
Other Behaviour: The following examples of unacceptable behaviour are non-exclusive, and are provided for guidance purposes. If you are unsure if your actions will be a violation of our policies, please ask abuse@Web Centre Plus Ltd .com
Server broadcast messages or any message sent on an intrusive basis to any directly or indirectly attached network. Attempt to circumvent any user authentication or security of host, network, or account.

Accessing data not intended for user:
Probing the security of any network. Spawning dozens of processes. Port scans, ping floods, packet spoofing, forging router information, Denial of Service attacks, sniffers, flooding, spoofing or ping bombing, smurfs, winnuke and, teardrop. Promulgation of viruses.
IRC bots such as eggdrop or BitchX.
Any activity, whether or not the intrusion results in the corruption or loss of data, will be investigated and proper action taken.
The presence of any of these programs, whether or not run, will certainly result in action against the user including suspension or termination.

Client Responsibility:
The client is responsible for all activity originating from the account, unless proven to be a victim of outside hacking or address forgery.
The client is responsible for securing their username/password.
Use of Web Centre Plus Ltd ‘s service requires a certain level of knowledge in the use of Internet languages protocols and software.
This level of knowledge varies depending on the anticipated use and desired content of the webspace by the client.
The following examples are offered: Web Publishing: requires knowledge of HTML, properly locating and linking documents, FTPing Web contents, Graphics, text, sound image mapping, etc.
FrontPage web publishing: knowledge of the FrontPage tools as well as Telnet and FTP understanding and capability.
CGI-Scripts: requires a knowledge of the UNIX environment, TAR & GUNZIP commands Perl, CShell scripts, permissions, etc.
Mail: a use of mail clients to receive and send mail, etc. The client agrees that he or she has the necessary knowledge to create and maintain their webspace.
Client agrees that it is not the responsibility of Web Centre Plus Ltd to provide this knowledge or support out – side matter specific to Web Centre Plus Ltd’s servers.

Credit / Payments:
We are unable to offer any form of credit.
If your account/service is activated before any payment is made, then payment must be sent in full by return.
If payment is not made in full within 7 days, all technical support will be revoked.
If payment is not made in the following 7-day period, your account will be deleted
from our services and all DNS services will stop. You will not receive any e-mail.
If your account is cancelled and is later reactivated, an administration fee of £29 will be levied to your account.
Payments are received monthly or yearly in advance. Should your credit card or standing order not go through, you will be contacted by our billing department to arrange payment.
If an account reaches 7 days overdue, we will revoke all technical support.
If an account reaches 14 days overdue, we will suspend all your sites.
If an account reaches 30 days overdue, we will remove all sites and data from our systems.
During this period we will attempt to contact you by all methods possible.
Should a chargeback be performed on your credit card, we will immediately remove all your sites and data from our systems.

Late Payments:
If you are late in paying for any of your services, then you will not be entitled to any support whatsoever until full payment is received and cleared in our bank.
This includes updates or any automatic renewals, login details of any kind including ftp, control panel and database details. All outstanding payments will carry a one pound per day additional charge after the first 7 days from invoice date.

Hosting Cancellations:
We require at least 30 days notice to cancel your account. We cannot refund any payments received before cancellation.
Customers paying yearly are rewarded with a discount off the monthly price, and therefore will not be refunded for the months remaining up to the renewal date.
We will not transfer any domain to another ISP unless your account is clear, and there will be a one-off fee of £25 for each and every domain name transferred away.
Our 30-day money-back offer is only related to the hosting account and does not include any optional extras purchased during the evaluation time.
If a domain name has been included in the hosting package, we will charge you for this domain at our normal rates, and you will be refunded the monthly hosting fee minus the domain registration cost.
Our 30-day money-back guarantee is OUR guarantee to you that you will be satisfied with our services.
If you wish to cancel within 30 days, you MUST give a legitimate reason as all hosting is a yearly contract.
If you decide to move your hosting or reseller hosting elsewhere without a 30-day notice of cancellation in writing before the anniversary of your renewal date, we will pursue you for a non cancellation fee of up to £200 and a charge of £1 (one UK pound) per day will be charged from the date you moved without notification. This also applies to any late renewals. Once your hosting becomes due for payment, then it must be paid in full. Your hosting is a yearly contract, whether you pay monthly or annually.

Web Hosting Update Specifics:
Our web servers use the Plesk or cPanel control panel and are among the top names in hosting control panels.
All software on the servers, including the control panels, will be updated as and when new updates are released by the software vendors.
Please note; all software updates, including the control panels, will only be updated when any update released is considered a stable release.
If you run out of webspace, and we have to add more space temporarily to make your website live again, there will be a one off £15 charge each time.
When updates are carried out, if this affects your website in any way, Web Centre Plus will not be liable for any costs involved in editing or changing your website in any way to work as intended with any update to the servers, these updates are for the benefit of everyone and will give a better performance in many cases and better security.
Current hosting plans come with 5000 megabytes of webspace allocated to your account, any account going over the 5000 megabytes allocated will be charged extra for that webspace up to the limit of 15000 megabytes, additional webspace is charged at £25 per 5 GB in 5 GB lots per year. Any hosting account that reaches over the 15,000 megabytes of webspace will be in the advanced level of hosting at a cost of 450 UK pounds per year to include backups.
Any website going over 10 GB of webspace will no longer qualify for nightly backups unless an increased service level has been agreed.
Incoming email is provided as standard and will be supported by us, when an email arrives at our mail servers it confirms our mail servers are working correctly. We do not support the transfer from our mail servers to your computer or other device.

Restoring Backups:
Nightly backups are included with your web hosting, but restoring is not. There is a one-off fee of £25 to provide you with a copy of the backup, and/or, restore the website for you.

Email Accounts:
It is your sole responsibility to maintain your email accounts, if any of your email accounts become full, it is your own responsibility to login to your webmail account and free up some space by deleting any unwanted emails.

Telnet / SSH:
Telnet shell accounts are made available for editing and setting up your website. It is not a development platform for issues unrelated to your website.
You must not leave your home directory at any time. You must not attempt to gain privileges of another user.
Interfering with the following files will result in your telnet access being removed bash_history Bash_logout Bash_profile bashrc Attempts to view or retrieve our SITEADMIN software, system files, password files or any files outside of your home directory will result in immediate termination of your account with no refund of monies paid.
If this happens we will automatically bill you for £150 for breach of contract and in certain cases will take it further through the UK legal system.

If your bandwidth reaches the point where it has an adverse effect on other clients, we reserve the right to disable your site/sites until you can reduce your bandwidth usage. Any website that over uses their allocated bandwidth WILL BE CHARGED for all the additional bandwidth used.
Any site consistently using more than 20% of system resources will be immediately suspended.
Sites of this nature should reside on a dedicated server.

Limitation of Liability:
Web Centre Plus Ltd shall not be responsible for any claimed damages, including incidental and consequential damages, which may arise from Web Centre Plus Ltd ‘s servers going off-line or being unavailable for any reason whatsoever. Further, Web Centre Plus Ltd shall not be responsible for any claimed damages, including incidental or consequential damages, resulting from the corruption or deletion of any website or any part relating to a website, from one of Web Centre Plus Ltd ‘s servers.
All damages shall be limited to the immediate termination of service.
Web Centre Plus Ltd shall be the sole arbiter of what is and is not a violation of these acceptable use policies.
Web Centre Plus Ltd reserves the right to terminate an account at any time and for any reason that causes harm to any Web Centre Plus Ltd customer’s websites.
Web Centre Plus Ltd reserves the right to delete all content and files upon termination. Web Centre Plus Ltd reserves the right to withhold any pre-paid funds for any website removed for violations of these policies.
Web Centre Plus Ltd reserves the right to refuse, cancel, or suspend service at our sole discretion.

Domain Registration/Renewals:
Please note, the results of your registration may not always be accurate. In rare circumstances such as central registrar outage, heavy server loads, database overload, etc, the system may return a: “registration successful” when the name has actually not been registered at all.
You should confirm after 48 hours that the domain/s is/are yours at the central shared registry whois at www.internic.net or www.nic.uk for 100% accuracy.
Although 888reg/Webcentreplus Ltd does make every effort to inform a client of a pending domain expiration, it is the clients ultimate responsibility to keep an independent record of the expiry dates on their domains and renew them accordingly.
888reg/Webcentreplus Ltd shall not be held liable for any losses arising from a domain being expired and registered to another party.
888/Webcentreplus Ltd shall not be held liable for a lost domain which may be caused by a software error in our registration system. It is the clients responsibility to independently check the accuracy of a registration. This includes:
Verifying the correct ownership details via a public whois service.
Verifying the correct expiry date of the domain via a public whois service.
If a domain such as a .com expires there is no guarantee it can be retrieved, so please make sure you have the correct contact email address set up, so you can be notified about renewals, you can check this either in our 888reg system if this is where you bought the domain or simply by using a whois service, these are free to use and can be found on Google or any search engine.
When a domain has expired, in the case of a .com for example, after a short while it will go into a redemption period, this is not set by us, this is set by the domain controlling authority, once a domain has entered the redemption period it can cost up to $250 plus the standard cost of the domain renewal to fully retrieve the domain, once the domain has not been renewed for a period of 7 (seven) days then the domain may become the property of Web Centre Plus Ltd and or 888reg, if this happens, there will be a redemption fee payable to Web Centre Plus Ltd and or 888reg at a cost to be agreed before any renewal can be actioned at the discretion of Web Centre Plus Ltd and or 888reg.
Once a domain has gone into the redemption period, it is considered no longer needed Any domain that is transferred away will incur a one off fee of £25 and will not be actioned until cleared funds are seen in our bank accounts.
If a domain name is set to auto-renew to safeguard your domain then you inform us you no longer require the domain, then a minimum renewal fee must be paid.

Website Management/Marketing:
Website management is only included on our more premium website marketing packages, but of course, you can start with the marketing package and upgrade to include website management later.
Website management and marketing packages can include a one-off web page optimizing service, just for the pages to be marketed, if you require your pages to be re-optimizing again at a later date, or you request that other pages are also optimized, there will be an additional charge.
Website marketing includes website updates and additional pages as and when required, plus additional functionality if required.
The combined website management and marketing packages come with discounts to our usual costs, sometimes as much as 60%.
Optimizing your website: This is a one off when you first move over to Web Centre Plus and instruct us to take over your marketing campaign, we optimize the pages you have requested to be optimized, or the pages we have advised, these will be optimized for your marketing campaign. Google, and other search engines are constantly changing and any further optimizing or re-optimizing must be done by request and is a paid for addition, ideally, this should be done every six months.

WordPress Blogs:
When we are commissioned to build a wordpress blog for you, as an individual or company, you understand that if we choose a domain on your behalf we will research the best domain for your blog, this will take several hours and therefore the blog domain will be owned by Web Centre Plus but can be purchased from Web Centre Plus for a fee relative to the time spent researching the domain.
All plugins used to enhance your blog will be from 3rd party websites, such as wordpress.org and others, if any plugin fails for any reason, this will not be the responsibility of Web Centre Plus, but we will of course rectify the issue with an update from the plugin provider if and when available as part of your monthly/yearly maintenance service. All WordPress blogs use free or paid for themes (designs), if you require a bespoke design this will of course incur much higher fees.

WordPress/Joomla/Manta Sites:
We do not allow WordPress/Joomla or Manta built websites or any other free downloadable websites or scripts to be hosted on our servers unless prior permission is granted and the website is managed by ourselves, this is due to the constant upgrades for extensions and plugins that these type of websites demand and the security risk that these types of website bring with them. Our fee to manage these sites is 10 UK pounds per month or 100 UK pounds per year in addition to your hosting fees. If you upload any of these types of website without our prior agreement, then your web hosting becomes void.

Website Design and Development:
This includes the design of a website, database solutions, ecommerce websites and content management systems (CMS), and all other work related to the construction of your website.
Once a project is agreed upon and a contract between the two parties, Web Centre Plus Ltd and the client (customer), is signed or agreed upon by email, the contract will be deemed as binding between the two parties. Any deposit paid for any web project is non-refundable. A website contract that is delayed by the client for more than 60 days will become null and void and all monies paid to Web Centre Plus Ltd will be not be refunded.
LICENCE: On completion of any website designed and built by Web Centre Plus Ltd, an invoice will become due to be paid in no more than 7 (seven) days from the date of invoice, the website (meaning the design, visible content and all images/pictures and text) shall then become the property of the client, (customer), as soon as full payment is received and the funds are cleared in Web Centre Plus Ltd bank. The ownership of all backend or programming work, including but not limited to, eCommerce, shopping cart(s), administration, database(s) CMS (content management system) etc will be licensed to the client, (customer), for their use in conjunction with the website but full ownership will always remain with Web Centre Plus Ltd, it may be possible for the client to purchase the licence from Web Centre Plus Ltd for an agreed sum dictated by Web Centre Plus Ltd.
The Design Process When we provide access to the web design process for the customer to view, this is not always the specific finished design, just the initial design and layout for the customer to make comments and suggestions as to how they would want to proceed. If the customer is happy with the initial design and layout of the site, upon completion of the website design, a more polished version of the initial design will be presented.

There are two options, a one-off payment on completion for the full pre-agreed amount, or a monthly fee to lease the e-commerce system with the first payment being due 30 days after the invoice date of the initial design costs.
Once the website becomes live there will be a 30 (thirty) day adjustment period where the client can use any CMS and/or backend administration system built by Web Centre Plus Ltd and request minor edits if required for the purpose of functionality for what it was intended, any additional features not requested during the website design process will be charged for.
Web Centre Plus Ltd cannot be held responsible for the delay in the completion of any website due to incomprehensible or conflicting textual content, or errors within the information provided by the client, (customer) to Web Centre Plus Ltd, the textual content of any website pages provided by the client (customer), must be at all times in finished format and that this textual content can only be edited or amended by Web Centre Plus Ltd on the instruction of the client (customer), no more than two times.
Once a website is completed, the client (customer), has agreed that the website is to their satisfaction, any initial optimization work required will be carried out at this point. When the website is completed, an invoice will be raised and payment is then due in full in no more than 7 days from the invoice date, once full payment has been received and cleared funds are in Web Centre Plus Ltd bank account, any further optimization work will be completed.
Please note; No further work will be carried out until payment is made in full and funds are cleared in Web Centre Plus Ltd’s bank account.

Important Payment Note:
Web Design Work: Any web design work that is ordered by a current client does not always require a deposit, but all work must be paid for regardless of whether the client accepts the new web design due to (I’ve changed my mind).
When a website is completed, the full payment becomes due within 7 days of the invoice date. Whether or not you require the website made live right away or on a future date, the invoice is due for payment.
As soon as a website is completed, the invoice will be due, regardless of whether the customer requires the website to be made live immediately, or at a later date.
If the customer is non-responsive for more than 2 weeks during the website design, then an invoice will be due to be paid for the work completed up to that point before any further work is carried out.

Special Offer Website Deals:
We sometimes offer a discount special offer website design, this offer will include up to six pages to include the Home page, Contact page and four other pages as requested. All further pages will be charged for, although at a much-discounted rate. These websites will be built using either a free or paid for WordPress theme, whichever suits the website design.
With all special offer discounted web design deals, the site will be built on a hidden domain, so you can view the web design process. Once completed, and you are satisfied, there will then be an additional charge of £25 to move the site to your main live domain name.

It is the discretion of Web Centre Plus Ltd whether a clients’ website is listed on this page. All current customers will qualify for a discount for any additional pages added to their website, (usually 35%), our standard price for any type of website page is a minimum of £100 (one hundred pounds). A grace period of any work, (not including domain names), will include a 30-day period to allow you time to pay your invoices, after this initial 30-day period, a charge of £1 (one pound) per day will be added to your invoice.

Email Marketing:
This includes, but is not limited to the use of our mail servers as SMTP servers.
We will not tolerate any type of email marketing campaigns from any hosting account provided by Web Centre Plus Ltd, and we reserve the right to close any account we find engaged in this activity.

Monthly Management Services:
Any monthly website management, updating service, marketing or blog maintenance agreed will be for a minimum of one year from each annual renewal date as these include favourable initial discounts and free additional extras. If you cancel without giving at least 30 days notice in writing by email or post before your annual renewal date, then the balance for the remainder of that following year will be considered outstanding and full payment of the outstanding balance will be due.
If your plan is cancelled and includes any hosting within the package, then as soon as a monthly arrangement is cancelled, the hosting will be due in full within 30 days of this date.

SMTP Email:
Normally when an email account is set up you would use your ISP as your outgoing mail server, If you need to send email using our SMTP server then the cost of this will be 90 UK pounds per year.