Website Ranking

Get High domain authority (DA) backlinks!

Welcome to our Website Ranking offer:
– We drip feed 1 or 2 backlinks to your website per day
– All from high-ranking domains
– We index them in Google
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Website Ranking

Improving Search Engine Positions

Getting high authority backlinks takes time to show results. The key is to stick with it; eventually, you will see increased website positions in the SERPs.

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DA30 to DA 95 Backlinks

Getting such high-authority backlinks pointing to your website will make a difference to your ranking.

Each high DA backlink will tell the search engines the site trusts your website, giving your own website more authority.

  • Unique articles written where required
  • A mix of different domain authority
  • Dofollow & Nofollow mix
  • Link Building & Content Creation
  • Over 20+ years of experience
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed

If you search for high DA backlinks, you’ll be shocked at the cost some are charging for this service.

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Some key questions

“DA” typically refers to “Domain Authority,” which is a metric developed by Moz, a software company that specializes in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tools.

Domain Authority is a numerical score that ranges from 1 to 100 and reflects the overall authority or strength of a website’s domain in terms of its ability to rank in search engine results.

A “dofollow link” is a type of hyperlink that allows search engines to follow and pass authority or “link juice” from one webpage to another. In other words, when a search engine crawls a page with a dofollow link, it can follow that link to reach another page and, in the process, transfer some of the link equity or authority from the source page to the destination page.

A “nofollow link” is a type of hyperlink that includes a specific HTML attribute, rel=”nofollow”, in its code.

This attribute instructs search engines not to follow the link or pass any authority, commonly known as “link juice,” from the source page to the linked page.

Nofollow links were introduced to combat spam and to allow website owners more control over the links they endorse.

Yes, backlinks are worth it and play a significant role in the world of search engine optimization (SEO).

Backlinks are links from one website to another, and they are valuable for several reasons.

Such as;
– Search Engine Rankings
– Authority & Trust
– Increased Visibility
– Referral Traffic
– Diverse Link Profile
– SEO Building Blocks

Ignoring the importance of backlinks may limit the overall success of your SEO efforts.

Acquiring a backlink from a website with a high Domain Authority (DA), such as DA 80, can offer several potential benefits to your own website.

Domain Authority is a metric developed by Moz that reflects the overall strength and authority of a website’s domain, so it improves your website.

This is a difficult one to answer, we build these backlinks and then have to wait for the search engines to find them.

We do have a way to help get these backlinks indexed, but it does take time.

You can build 100 backlinks over, say 3 months, but it can take double this for them to be found and indexed.

Choose our Website Ranking Services. Contact us today!

Further Information

Domain Authority

Here are some key points to understand about Domain Authority (DA);

Scoring System;
DA scores range from 1, to 100 with scores indicating a more authoritative domain. Websites that are new or have limited presence typically have scores while well-established and influential sites tend to have higher scores.

Calculation Factors;
Moz uses its algorithm to calculate Domain Authority taking into account factors such as the number and quality of backlinks the overall link profile and other SEO-related elements. It provides an overview of the strength of a website compared to sites.

Not a Google Metric;
It’s worth mentioning that Domain Authority is not a metric employed by Google in its search algorithm. Google relies on its algorithms and metrics to determine the ranking of websites in search results. DA is a third party metric developed by Moz primarily used by SEO professionals to assess domain strength.

Comparative Tool;
Domain Authority is frequently utilized as a tool for evaluating the strength of one website’s domain in comparison, to another.
For instance, if you’re exploring opportunities, for building links it may be wise to prioritize acquiring backlinks from websites that have Domain Authority scores.

Updates and Changes;
Moz periodically updates its algorithm so the Domain Authority scores may change over time. Adjustments in the link profile quality of backlinks or other factors can influence these score changes.

Focus on Quality Backlinks;
Enhancing Domain Authority often involves concentrating on creating high quality backlinks from relevant websites. The quality and relevance of the links matter more than focusing on quantity.

It’s crucial to consider Domain Authority as one among metrics when evaluating the health and authority of a website. While a higher DA can indicate a domain it’s not the factor determining a websites performance in search engine rankings. Consistently monitoring and improving your websites SEO, content quality and user experience are components in achieving better visibility, on search engines.

Dofollow Links

A “dofollow link” is a type of hyperlink that allows search engines to follow and pass authority or “link juice” from one webpage to another. In other words, when a search engine crawls a page with a dofollow link, it can follow that link to reach another page and, in the process, transfer some of the link equity or authority from the source page to the destination page.

Key characteristics of dofollow links:

Search Engine Crawling:
Search engine crawlers, such as those used by Google, follow dofollow links. This means that when they encounter a dofollow link on one page, they will proceed to crawl the linked page.

Passing Link Juice:
Dofollow links pass authority or “link juice” from the source page to the destination page. This can influence the destination page’s search engine rankings, as search engines consider incoming links as a signal of a page’s relevance and authority.

HTML Attribute:
In the HTML code of a webpage, a dofollow link is typically indicated by the absence of the rel=”nofollow” attribute. If a link doesn’t have the nofollow attribute, it is considered a dofollow link by default.

SEO Impact:
Website owners and SEO professionals often seek dofollow links from reputable and authoritative websites because these links can positively impact the search engine rankings of the linked pages.

Link Building:
Dofollow links are commonly used in link-building strategies. When acquiring backlinks from other websites, the preference is for dofollow links, as they contribute more significantly to a site’s authority and SEO.

It’s important to note that not all links are dofollow by default. Some links may have the rel=”nofollow” attribute, which instructs search engines not to follow the link or pass authority. This is often done to prevent the passing of authority to untrusted or user-generated content, such as comments on a blog.

Webmasters and SEO practitioners carefully consider the use of dofollow and nofollow links in their linking strategies to optimize the flow of authority across their websites and helps their search engine rankings.

A “nofollow link” is a type of hyperlink that includes a specific HTML attribute, rel=”nofollow”, in its code.

This attribute instructs search engines not to follow the link or pass any authority, commonly known as “link juice,” from the source page to the linked page.

Nofollow links were introduced to combat spam and to allow website owners more control over the links they endorse. They can still help website ranking.

A “nofollow link” is a type of hyperlink that includes a specific HTML attribute, rel=”nofollow”, in its code. This attribute instructs search engines not to follow the link or pass any authority, commonly known as “link juice,” from the source page to the linked page. Nofollow links were introduced to combat spam and to allow website owners more control over the links they endorse.

Key characteristics of nofollow links:

Search Engine Crawling:
Search engine crawlers, such as those used by Google, obey the rel=”nofollow” attribute. When they encounter a nofollow link on a page, they do not follow the link to crawl the linked page.

No Passing of Link Juice:
Nofollow links do not pass authority or link juice from the source page to the destination page. These links are essentially treated as if they have a barrier preventing the flow of authority.

HTML Attribute:
In the HTML code of a webpage, a nofollow link is indicated by the rel=”nofollow” attribute.

SEO Impact:
While nofollow links don’t contribute to the linked page’s search engine rankings, they can still be valuable for other reasons. For example, they can bring traffic, enhance user experience, or be part of a natural and diverse link profile.

Use Cases for Nofollow Links:
Nofollow links are commonly used in scenarios where website owners want to link to a page but don’t want to endorse it for SEO purposes. Examples include user-generated content like comments, paid advertisements, and links to untrusted or potentially harmful websites.

Link Building:
In link building strategies, websites may use a combination of dofollow and nofollow links. While dofollow links are sought after for their SEO impact, nofollow links can still contribute to a well-rounded and natural link profile.

It’s essential for webmasters and SEO practitioners to understand the distinction between dofollow and nofollow links when planning their linking strategies. Nofollow links play a role in maintaining the integrity of search engine algorithms and help prevent the manipulation of search rankings through spammy or paid links.

Original content plays a role, in aspects of online presence, content marketing and overall digital strategy. There are reasons why original content holds significant importance;

  1. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO);
    Search engines like Google prioritize unique content. By creating content that is not replicated from sources you can positively impact your website’s search engine rankings. Search algorithms highly value up-to-date valuable content.
  2. Audience Engagement and Retention;
    Original content captures the attention of your audience. Keeps them engaged. When you consistently deliver insights, perspectives and information you cultivate a readership. Engaged audiences are more likely to return to your website for content.
  3. Establishing Authority and Expertise;
    Producing content allows you to showcase your expertise and establish authority in your industry or niche. When your audience perceives you as a source of information it enhances your credibility and builds trust.
  4. Differentiation from Competitors;
    In markets, original content sets you apart from rivals by offering something exclusive and valuable, to your audience. This helps you stand out amidst the landscape.
  5. Brand Building;
    Original content significantly contributes to building and reinforcing your brand identity.
    Your brand voice, values and personality are reflected in your content, which helps create a brand image across platforms.

To avoid any issues, with content it’s important to ensure that your website doesn’t publish very similar content that already exists elsewhere online. This can lead to penalties from search engines.

Unique and original content is more likely to be shared on social media platforms. When your content is shared it increases visibility reaches an audience and drives traffic to your website.

Having content makes it more likely for other websites to link back to yours. Quality backlinks from sites contribute to your website ranking authority. Have a positive impact on search engine rankings.

Original content gives you the advantage of adapting to emerging trends, industry developments and changes in your field. It allows you the flexibility to address topics and stay relevant in the changing online environment.

Creating content is another benefit of having material. Evergreen content remains valuable and relevant, over a period of time continuing to attract traffic after its initial publication.

Meeting the Needs of Your Audience;
Creating content allows you to customize your messaging and information according to the requirements and interests of your target audience. By understanding who your audience is you can develop content that deeply resonates with them and addresses their concerns or queries.

In essence, original content plays a role in a digital strategy. It can boost your visibility, on search engines, and website ranking. Also establishes your brand captivates your audience and positions you as a reliable authority in your industry. Investing in the creation of content is an investment, in the long-term prosperity and sustainability of your presence.

With top-quality original content, and high DA backlinks, you can achieve good rankings for any keyword.


Ignoring the importance of backlinks may limit the overall success of your SEO efforts and website ranking.

Backlinks are considered valuable. Play a role, in the world of search engine optimisation (SEO). Backlinks, which are links from one website to another have benefits;

Search Engine Rankings;
Backlinks are a factor in search engine algorithms. Search engines like Google see backlinks as votes of confidence and authority. Websites with a number of high-quality backlinks are often seen as reputable and may rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Authority and Trust;
Quality backlinks from authoritative websites help establish your site’s authority and trustworthiness. When authoritative sites link to your content it signals to search engines that your content is valuable and trustworthy.

Increased Visibility;
Backlinks can contribute to increasing the visibility of your website. When your content is linked from sites it reaches a wider audience. This exposure can result in traffic and potentially increase the popularity of your website.

Referral Traffic;
Backlinks do benefit SEO. Also, bring direct referral traffic. Users who click on a link from another site, to yours are visitors who may engage with your content, products or services.

Overall acquiring quality backlinks can significantly impact the success of your website by improving search engine website rankings establishing authority increasing visibility and generating traffic.

Having a diverse and natural link profile is highly advantageous when it comes to search engine optimisation (SEO). It helps prevent any suspicion of using tactics to build links, which could lead to penalties from search engines.

In the realm of SEO backlinks play a role, along with top-notch content and technical SEO. Neglecting the importance of backlinks might hinder the success of your SEO endeavours.

While backlinks hold value it’s essential to focus on quality than quantity. Having high-quality backlinks from relevant websites carries more weight than having numerous low-quality or spammy links.

Engaging in manipulative practices, like purchasing links or participating in link schemes can damage your website’s reputation, and attract penalties from search engines.

To sum up when obtained ethically and from sources backlinks serve as an indispensable aspect of SEO. They have the potential to positively impact your website’s search engine rankings, authority and overall online visibility.

High DA Backlinks

Acquiring a backlink from a website with a high Domain Authority (DA), such as DA 80, can offer several potential benefits to your own website.

Domain Authority is a metric developed by Moz that reflects the overall strength and authority of a website’s domain, and helps your site.

Boost, in Search Engine Rankings;
Search engines often take into account backlinks from domains as indications of credibility and relevance. Getting a backlink from a website with a Domain Authority (DA) of 80 can have an impact on your website’s search engine rankings, potentially leading to placement in search results.

Increased Visibility and Traffic;
Being linked to from a highly regarded website can enhance the visibility of your content and raise your website ranking. Visitors who come across your link while browsing the high DA site may be more inclined to click through to your site resulting in increased traffic.

Enhanced Authority and Trust;
Backlinks originating from high DA websites contribute to establishing authority and trustworthiness for your website. When search engines notice that trusted sources endorse your content it strengthens the perception of your site’s reliability.

Credibility in Your Niche;
If the DA 80 website is relevant to your niche or industry acquiring a backlink can establish credibility for your website within that particular field. It serves as an indication both, to search engines and users that your content holds value and relevance in that subject area.

Indexing and Crawling;
Search engines may. Index your website effectively when it is linked from high DA sites.
Having your content crawled faster is one of the benefits of securing backlinks from high DA websites. It ensures that your latest updates are quickly reflected in search results giving you an advantage, in industries. When your competitors have lower DA backlinks, then having high DA backlinks can set your site apart in the niche and help with website ranking.

A backlink from a DA 80 site contributes to a diverse link profile, which is preferred by search engines. They appreciate a rounded link profile that includes links from authority levels.

Moreover getting backlinks from high DA sites can potentially attract backlinks from other reputable sources. As your website gains recognition and authority, others may be more inclined to link to your content.

It’s important to remember that while high DA backlinks are valuable the quality and relevance of the links matter too. While a single high DA backlink can have an impact it’s essential to have a strategy that includes links from different reputable sources, within your niche.

Always prioritize ethical and natural link-building practices. Focus on creating content that naturally attracts shares and backlinks.
Furthermore, it is important to exercise caution when obtaining backlinks using spammy techniques. Such practices can potentially harm the reputation and SEO of your website.

While it is technically feasible for a website to rank first on Google for queries, without any backlinks the chances of that happening are quite slim for competitive and popular search terms. Backlinks play a role in Google’s algorithm and your website ranking as they are key indicators of a website’s authority, trustworthiness and relevance.

Here are some reasons why it is challenging for a website without backlinks to claim the position on Google;

  1. Competition;
    Websites that have a profile of backlinks tend to have an advantage when it comes to ranking, especially for competitive keywords or phrases. These backlinks act as signals of a website’s authority and credibility which Google takes into consideration while determining search results.
  2. Authority and Trust;
    Backlinks contribute significantly to establishing a website’s authority and trust in the eyes of search engines. Websites with established authority are generally given preference in search rankings.
  3. Relevance and Credibility;
    Backlinks from sources that are relevant to the content of the website enhance its credibility. They serve as endorsements indicating that other websites find the content valuable. Search engines use these signals to assess relevance and content quality.
  4. Algorithm Emphasis;
    Google’s algorithm places emphasis on the link graph, which includes both outbound links associated with websites.

In summary, while it is technically possible for a website without backlinks to rank number one on Google for queries it is highly unlikely due to factors such as competition, authority/trustworthiness considerations, relevance/credibility assessment, through backlinks and Google algorithmic priorities regarding link networks.
While there are factors, like the quality of content, user experience and on-page optimisation backlinks still hold a crucial role.

Standard Practice in the Industry;
It’s quite common for well-established websites to gather backlinks over time. Websites that are frequently referenced by others in the field have a chance of ranking well.

Niche. Long Tail Phrases;
In niche-specific keywords, it’s more feasible for a website without any backlinks to achieve good rankings. Long tail phrases or specific keywords may face competition making it easier for a site with backlinks to rank higher.

While we acknowledge the importance of backlinks it’s crucial to emphasize that content quality, user experience, technical SEO and other on-page factors also play roles in search rankings. In some cases, a website with content, optimized user experience and relevance to specific queries can surpass competitors with more extensive backlink profiles.

However, in scenarios developing a diverse and high-quality set of backlinks remains an essential aspect of an effective SEO strategy. The key lies in striking the balance among all ranking factors to ensure a comprehensive approach, towards search engine optimisation.

Scoring System;
DA scores range from 1 to 100 with scores indicating a more authoritative domain. Websites that are new or have limited presence typically have scores while well-established and influential sites tend to have higher scores.

Calculation Factors;
Moz uses its algorithm to calculate Domain Authority taking into account factors such as the number and quality of backlinks the overall link profile and other SEO-related elements. It provides an overview of a website’s strength compared to other sites.

Not a Google Metric;
It’s worth mentioning that Domain Authority is not a metric employed by Google in its search algorithm. Google relies on its algorithms and metrics to determine the ranking of websites in search results. DA is a third-party metric developed by Moz and primarily used by SEO professionals to assess domain strength.

Comparative Tool;
Domain Authority is frequently utilized as a tool for evaluating the strength of one website’s domain in comparison, to another.
For instance, if you’re exploring opportunities, for building links it may be wise to prioritize acquiring backlinks from websites that have Domain Authority scores.

Updates and Changes;
Moz periodically updates its algorithm so the Domain Authority scores may change over time. Adjustments in the link profile quality of backlinks or other factors can influence these score changes.

Focus on Quality Backlinks;
Enhancing Domain Authority often involves concentrating on creating high-quality backlinks from relevant websites. The quality and relevance of the links matter more than focusing on quantity.

It’s crucial to consider Domain Authority as one of the metrics when evaluating the health and authority of a website.

While a higher DA can indicate a domain’s website ranking factor, it’s not the only factor determining a website’s performance in search engine rankings. Consistently monitoring and improving your website’s SEO, content quality and user experience are components in achieving better visibility, on search engines.

There are many routes to take in digital marketing, such as keyword research, optimising and content writing. However, you will also need plenty of high DA backlinks.

Want to know what your current DA is? Try the Google rank checker here.